
2016年9月14日—AuroraHDRfromMacphunisanawesomeprogramthatgivesyouallkindsofflexibilityforcreatingamazingHDRimages/photos.,Fantasticandversatile,AuroraHDR2017launches.LearnwhyanyonewhoeditsphotosshoulddownloadHDRsoftwarelikeAuroraHDRfromSkylum.,2016年9月29日—Availableforoneweekonlyataspecialpriceof$89,ourlatestsoftwaregivesyouover100essentialtoolsandmillionsofcreativeoptions ...,Thisisanoffertha...

Aurora HDR 2017

2016年9月14日 — Aurora HDR from Macphun is an awesome program that gives you all kinds of flexibility for creating amazing HDR images/photos.

The best HDR photo editor is released

Fantastic and versatile, Aurora HDR 2017 launches. Learn why anyone who edits photos should download HDR software like Aurora HDR from Skylum.

Aurora HDR 2017

2016年9月29日 — Available for one week only at a special price of $89, our latest software gives you over 100 essential tools and millions of creative options ...

Aurora HDR 2017; A review

This is an offer that includes a Trey Ratcliff Deep-dive Video, 1-year of basic SmugMug, 60-day KelbyOne Membership and 25 prints from Parabo Press. Share:.

Aurora HDR 2017 Adds New Interface, Powerful Features

2016年11月29日 — ... simple approach to an HDR workflow, putting the basic controls front and center while keeping more advanced options on the periphery. First-time ...

Macphun Aurora HDR 2017 Review: A streamlined yet feature

There is a wide array of excellent presets, including some from Serge Ramelli, Trey Ratcliff and Captain Kimo in addition to groups like basic, realistic HDR ...

Aurora HDR 2017 Review

With the 2017 release, Aurora HDR is much better handling noise, as well as giving you good rendition of tones and contrast. An added advantage ...